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Another Unfortunate Decision in Filmmaking

February 9, 2009

That still image of the Futurist-barbarian prostitute, pictured to the right, is of none other than Sir Sean Connery, taken while filming the 1974 Sci-Fi epic Zardoz. In which, the original James Bond can be seen chasing after a giant stone head, all the while wearing the pictured orange diaper and thigh-high leather boots a la Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman; and shooting everything in his wake, as evidenced by the trailer below.

I knew nothing of this film, until about two years ago, when I happened upon a similar picture, while doing research for my thesis film. Needless to say, the image left me complete jarred. But for whatever reason, it’s more disturbing now than it was in ’07. Aside from being difficult to look at, the image is even harder to comprehend. I have an unusual attraction to shitty cinema, so this whole thing leaves me more than intrigued. I must find a copy of this film!

The trailer

And a random scene just for good measure

Like I always say, when you get confused, toss a bitch.

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