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Captain Save-A-Show.

January 21, 2009

So, in my efforts to get the first blog post out of the way, I’ve decided to share a rather odd incident that happened a few Mondays back, as weird as it may have been I can’t say I didn’t have fun…

My night started with a nice BBQ at the park, free food, music, the works…then Lite had a performance at the ZUNE building so Julien and I go to make sure things run smoothly, little did we know the host of this fashion show/concert/party had no intention of showing up. So Lite and I said we would do it…

This was an instance where I spaced out and was on auto pilot…letting myself make promises while the conscious me was taking a nap…

So when I mentally woke up…zune6-11

Don’t let the befuddled look on my face fool you we did a good job, or at least that’s what I’m going to continue telling myself…The cats involved taped some of there escapades before and during the show so I figure ill throw that in as well.

In conclusion,

I liked it,

find me more stuff to host!!!

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