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Freeze Frame 1

May 28, 2009

As I was pulling into my drive way, I noticed a kid waiting by the front gate, he saw me pull up and ran towards the garage entrance. He waited hesitantly to read my face, to check if it was okay for him to go inside, I nodded, as if to say I didn’t mind. He then motioned for an older lady pushing a shopping cart full of plastic bottles and aluminum cans, to follow him. He takes her hand and guides her into the side room where we keep the dumpsters for my building. I park then watch for a second as the Thirteen year old and his mother rummage through the building’s disregards. I feel guilty for noticing the stains on his shirt and holes in his shoes…after all at least he was brave enough to wear his flaws on the outside.

As I watched I started thinking that we were one lucky break or one rough time away from exchanging places.

I have seen homeless children before, but it doesn’t get any easier to watch over time,  seeing his mother collecting cans with precise discipline, as if to say shes sorry for the mess she finds them in, and him calmly sorting out what she found, as if to say he didn’t mind.

As I walk by, I mechanically blurt out.

“Hows it going?”

He smiles, as if he divinely  found humor in the irony of my question.

Then responds blankly staring at the bag of cans.

“Not good.”

I awkwardly stroll by, ashamed of every luxury visible to him. Then let out a relived sigh once I’m inside the blissful ignorance of my apartment.

Please do not credit my writing for the vivid details, because in those two minutes, every sound was amplified, every color was brightened, and every emotion laid heavy on rib cage as if the world wanted me never to forget this kid and his mother.

The most humbling 90 seconds of my life, reminding me that not matter how important or deserving I some times feel…I barely deserve the roof over my head or the food on my plate. Considering all the complaining I do, you would think I would have been stopped receiving blessings, but for some reason my sunny days still shine bright. For that I am thankful.

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